Being yourself should not be that hard a thing to do. After all you have been doing it all your life… or have you ? I have a sneaky suspicion that we unlearn how to be ourselves as we grow up. We become what we think we should be or rather who we think we should be. We are not being us as much as we are playing a role.
Now I have to confess that this blog is inspired by my own impending coaching session. Last week I decided to implement a Habit of Being Me! Instead of unconsciously wandering through my day I thought I would commit to starting and ending my day with a plan. The goal was to consciously create my day and so who I am during the day, rather than leaving it all to my identity (I am getting a tad tired of the reality my identity creates) This was in part inspired by my journey and experiences to date and partly by the movie ‘what the bleep’ in which the concept of creating a context through words is brilliantly explained. The theory is that through words we can circumvent our thoughts, feelings and identities and so become more our true Selves. It is a journey I have been on for a while, so it seemed a good idea! It is also a concept that is harder to implement than one things..hence the creation of a habit that would remind me and keep me in my Self rather than my identity.It sounded so simple…take 5 to ten minutes in the morning and evening, reading through a list of commitments and reminders (similar to a coaching log page) with some meditation thrown in. Turns out my identity did not like this much AT ALL! It much prefers the rather haphazard implementation of control (where I forget I have it and it gets it).
It sounded so simple…take 5 to ten minutes in the morning and evening, reading through a list of commitments and reminders (similar to a coaching log page) with some meditation thrown in. Turns out my identity did not like this much AT ALL! It much prefers the rather haphazard implementation of control (where I forget I have it and it gets it).
So I have decided to simplify my habit with a simple statement. I commit to my own greatness! With that simple statement anything becomes possible and the rest becomes easy…well easier!Now…what would you need to put in place to create a habit of being you ? Who is it you want to be ? What would you need to do every day to be that person ?
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