Have a problem ? How are you framing it ? In terms of what you don’t want ? Or in terms of what would actually want ? Yes, I know, this is not a new topic for, but stay with me, because this might just help you understand why focusing on what you don’t want only brings you more of that. It talks to whether you are an observer or an active visionary, a conscious creator of your own experience and I don’t know about you, but to be able to consciously create my experience is definitely something I am interested in learning.
To master your life and create your dreams you have to claim yourself and that requires you claim your thoughts!
“When you see something that you would like to experience and you focus upon it, shouting yes to it, you include it in your experience. But when you see something that you would not want to experience, and you focus upon it, shouting no at it, you also include that in your experience. You do not invite it in with your yes and exclude it with your no, because there is no exclusion in this attraction-based Universe. Your focus is the invitation. Your attention is the invitation.
And so, those who are mostly observers thrive in good times but suffer in bad times because what they are observing is already vibrating and as they observe it, they include it in their vibrational countenance and as they include it, the Universe accepts that as their point of attraction – and gives them more of the essence of it. So for an observer, the better it gets, the better it gets or the worse it gets, the worse it gets. HOWEVER, ONE WHO IS A VISIONARY THRIVES IN ALL TIMES”
It is not your judgement or opinion of what you are observing that is important, it is the fact that you are paying attention to it! When you make an observation, you associate it with a belief and with that belief comes a set of feelings. They create a very personal and very real relationship with the events that happen to them.
“Deliberate creation is about deliberately choosing.”
Just because someone else has placed their attention on what they don’t want and created the experience they did not want, does not mean you have to. And it all boils down to whether or not you are an observer, allowing your thoughts and feelings to just run randomly as they always have...or if you are a conscious creator, someone who deliberately chooses how they feel about things and so choose the thoughts that generate those feelings...independently of the events and other people’s opinions there-of. You may be powerless to change what you are observing but you are never powerless when it comes to choosing who you are in that situation and how you will react or act.
“Most people do not deliberately offer thought, but instead they let their thoughts gravitate to whatever is happening around them: Something happens. They observe. They have an emotional feeling response to what they are observing. And since they usually feel powerless in controlling what they are observing, they conclude that they have no control over their emotional response to what they are observing. “
Are you an unconscious observer ? Or are you a conscious creator ? What would change if it really were true...that you can change your feelings by consciously choosing thoughts that create the feelings you want to be experiencing ?
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